Here is a document kep by Rein that describes the beginnings of the
being colourful we are not sure of the accuracy, however if the
original author would like their work to be acknowledged then contact the site so we can check the
authenticity and give due credit for their literary efforts.
above choir was formed about 3 years ago. We currently have 14 Male
members between us, so to speak. The original suggestion came about at
one of the members bucks party. You see, Gary had popped the
question to his ever loving Andrea, she swooned and said yes, so quite
natural his mates had to turn it on for him. At this "do" held at the
disused Wairewa school, 20 or so blokes were standing around barbecuing
meat and partaking of the amber fluid, many serious subjects were
discussed, lofty comments could be heard drifting on the still night
air such as "Do ya think it'll rain soon?", "Hows the new Ute goin?"
and "Gawd that cow of yours has a lovely bag on er".
Some time
during the evening someone made the comment that "this is alright, us
blokes should get together more often". Yep we all said in unison but
our wives won't let us out to stand around and drink beers. There was a
long thoughtful silence then one bright spark (Bless him) said "They'd
let us out for choir practice but". The germ of an idea was sown.
few weeks later 4 of us met at the Nowa Nowa pub, tossed the idea
around over a few glasses and the idea was born. We couldn't interest
any of the other drinkers in the idea. Well, to tell the truth there
was only Nobby and Ramrod in there at the time, seasoned drinkers both,
and the only words of song heard to issue from their lips was a tipsy
version of the Collingwood theme song when they last won the flag.
short while after, the word went round for Choir practice, Friday
night, Patrick's tractor shed, bring your stubbies. Six of us tubed up
and one bloke actually had some song sheets! Well after much drinking,
talk and laughter we thought we had better try and sing a song before
going home, from that start the Nowa Nowa Mens Choir hasn't looked
back, and we dare not, the path is littered with strangled notes,
mangled cords and discordant harmonies and, oh yes dead marines.
choir is open to new members, we only ask two questions. it Do you
drink and do you want to sing? And we are pretty flexible on both of
these. After a few months we were offered our first gig, to sing at a
black tie, Australia Day eve dinner for a Hundred and Twenty people.
Not being a the sort of blokes that sell themselves cheap or to let
others take advantage of us we reckoned that two slabs would just about
secure our services and you can see how much they really wanted us
there because before we could put in our claim, the organizers came
back with "all the beer you can drink on the night". I tell you it's
nice to be appreciated.
Since then the choir has grown in
confidence and after a hesitant start we now look forward to singing in
public and do from time to time. We usually (Depending on
circumstances) ask for payment we accept all currencies, that's beer
and cash. The money we donate to charity and the beer, well you know
where that goes. A final note. I think it important for hesitant
self-conscious blokes to have a carrot dangled in front of them, that
is a slab of beer, or to feel that they are doing it for the greater
good like earning money to donate to a local cause, it justifies making
fools of ourselves, at least in the initial stages.
We would be
useless without our music director James Haig none of us could sing a
note when we first started, our first director Glen ? took us as far as
he could then Teetotaller (thank goodness one of us is) James with his
wealth of experience and endless patience, understanding nature and
ability to remain cool under pressure took over. We have
grown in
confidence over the years and I think all of our members look forward
to Thursday nights.

the left: Brian Blakeman, Nick Platt, Peter Ryan, Rod Bartley, Patrick
Kinsella, Rein Jonkryg, Sean Das, Colin Garth, Gary Yelen, Norm Borg
and James Haig (absent: Stephen Sier and Peter Burslem). The
choir was performing at a charity benefit concert for the CFA