www.laketyersbeach.net.au site
is dedicated to the community at Lake
Tyers Beach and
surrounding areas.
It incorporates information from both
non-profit groups and businesses, and aims to promote a healthy
interest in our environment and awareness of the cultural richness that
is maintained by the local people. That is, to put the people
in touch
with each other, and their land.
If you have a business or belong to a
non-profit organisation then contact info@laketyersbeach.net.au
for a
listing. Attractive commercial rates are available for
and reciprocal publicity promotions are all that are required for
non-profit organisations. Discounts will be available to
any business
which also provides reciprocal promotion of this site.
you would like to go beyond the above and develop a page that
provides more than just contact details,
then email or phone us and let
us know what you have in mind.

Just remember even things that are common, can still have uncommon
grace and beauty if we look hard enough!