Lynton Barr
These publications, "An
Anglers Newsletter"have a relevance much broader than
Lake Tyers and Lake Tyers Beach. Without doubt
recreational fishing has a huge impact environmentally and
economically on our Lake Tyers area, and of course, on the
entire Gippsland Lakes systems. All these interacting issues
are very relevant to how we think about our own environmental
systems. I invite you to read Lynton's newsletters Issue
List 2005-16 and reflect on our own
practice, the official policies around us, and try to ensure
our actions help and support a responsible and sustainable
sport/hobby to stay viable.
It with great sadness that we publish Lynton's last
newsletter, Nos104. We must thank Lynton for his fishing
insights, untiring efforts, and unshakable integrity, on
behalf of all fishers, locally and nationally. Similarly
we must also thank Dawn his trusty publisher partner who also
contributed to the publishing of this newsletter. I trust this
tribute of thanks will be one of many for their hard work over
the years. Rob Ward
Sheet: August 2016 -Banning Netting at the Gippsland
Lakes River Mouth, Black Bream Stocks in the Gippsland Lakes,
Recommendations (5 in all), Editors Comment, Recreation Forum
for Anglers (2nd November, Lake Tyers Beach Angling Club), Mansfield
Trout Conference (5th November, Mansfield), Excellent photo of the
opening of Sydenham Inlet (Bemm River) being opened with explosives!!
What a blast!!
August 2016: Contents - Final Edition Editorial, An
Anglers Assessment of Trout Regulations, Background, What went wrong,
Suggestions- Size Limits, Bag Limits, 2Fish Bag Limit, 5 Fish Bag
Limit, Slot Limits, Stocking Rivers, Stocking Lakes, Victoria has five
new Fisheries Officers, Gippsland Lakes River Mouths Netting ban,
Spread of the Koi Herpes Virus (KHV) to tackle Carp, Carp in the
Gippsland Lakes, Introduction of English Perch in Australia 148 years
ago, Memories of fishing lake Eildon in the 1960's, recreational
Angling and the Law (Anglers congratulated), The Bemm River Report 1st
August 2016, Submissions Re: The increased Fishing Licences cost from
July 1st, Fishing Competitions, Unfinished Business: Nicholson River
Dam, Closure of 2kms of the Silt Jetties Road, The Maasbanker
continues netting beaches, Oyster Parasite Attacks Native Flat
Oysters, Conclusion.
Issue 103:
June/July 2016: Contents - Lake Tyers Opens to the Sea
(7thJuly), Fishing Licence Fee Changes to Boost Investment, 2016
Gippsland Assessment Meeting, Stock Assessment: Consultation and
Feedback Meeting (Simon Conron and Bill Lussier), Snapper Measuring in
Port Phillip Bay, Case of Koi Carp, Expired Flares a Problem for
Anglers, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers report, A glimpse of the Future,
Estuary Perch in Lake Tyers, Barrumundi at Hazlewood Pondage,
Gippsland Lakes and Mulloway, Bonanza for local fishermen "Flood event
means major fish kill 6/7/2016".
102: May/June 2016: Contents - Sub Editor's
Note, Stunning news regarding Mulloway in Lake Tyers, A
startling catch, A few facts of interest on the Broadbilled Swordfish,
A Golden Perch travels the Murray, Another recent angler verified
report(Mulloway catches), Stocking the Tambo, Results from Angler
Diarists Work.
A special message from Dawn Barr:
This survey came to us and Lynton has asked me to pass it on
to his readers of Around the Jetties. If you wish to participate you
will need to return the survey by 10 June 2016.
letter reads in part....
Undertaking a fish assessment includes considering fisher knowledge
which DEDJTR will collect (Department of Economic Development, Jobs,
Transport and Resources.) Using the enclosed local knowledge survey.
Please return
completed survey to Simon Conran at
or post to P.O.Box 114, Queenscliff Vic 3225 by June 10th (Bear in
mind Aus Post is snail mail so send it early)
I know Simon will appreciate as much data as possible. Prior to the
2016 Gippsland Lakes Fish Stocks Assessment. later in the month.
Next issue of Around the Jetties may be a little later for June as
Lynton is very tired and thinking is hard work at the moment. But he
will revive and already has some good photographs lined up ready
to add an article
Dawn Barr
Editor: Please respond to this request ASAP and support Lynton in the
way he has supported us. Apologies that I cannot offer a live data
entry from this portal. Sorry, but print and snail mail, or fill
out and email is the way to go.
Issue: May 2016: Contents - Confirmed catch of
Mulloway in Lake Tyers, What are the Implications for Anglers?,
Predictions, A Small Piece of History catch/Possession limit, What can
we anglers do now?, A disturbing report to hand (May11th).
101: May 2016: Contents - Editorial "Mulloway Stocking
is a gamble", The law and recreational Anglers, The Final Curtain for
Abalone Poachers, Meanwhile at Mallacoota over Easter (Blood Cockles),
Bass and the Nicholson River, Local Fish Releases (Mulloway at Lake
Tyers), Barramundi release in Hazlewood Pondage, Silt Jetties Petition
Presented to Parliament, Bemm River Angling Club Fishing Report,
Cobia- A new fish on the plate, Murray Cod closed season removed at
Lake Eildon, Bag Limit Reduction for Golden Perch, Whiting decline
forecast in the future, The change to marine environments continue,
Come to Victoria for big game fishing, Silver Perch in Lake Boga, The
upgrading of tracks into Lake Tyers, Johnsonville Jetty upgrade,
Torquay reef named in honour of Trevor Buck, Passing of Don
Ellis, Welcome to Wangaratta Angling Club.
Issue 100:
April 2016: Contents - Editorial 100th Issue,
Fishing Licence Cost for Anglers from July 1st, Licence
Background, This Licence Increase, recreational Fishing Licence fees
Regulatory Impact Statement (March 2016), An important Winstanley
observation, the use of Increased Licence Funding, Bob McNeill's
Report, The Silt Jetties Issue Continues, Anglers and Scientists to
Assess Murray Cod Populations, Son Cunningham's Bemm River Fishing
Report, Mulloway Research Angler Program, (congratulations to Lynton
for reaching the "ton" in these newsletters. Ed.)
A Correction on the note with the
last newsletter.
Submissions on Licence Fees to Jaala
Submissions of Protection of Spawning
Fish at River Mouths To Craig Ingram, and
Submissions on Closure of Silt Jetties Road to Mitchell River mouth
to Minister Lisa Neville .
You will find contact details in the
last two Newsletters.
99: March 2016: Contents - Protection of Spawning Fish
at River Mouths, Commercial Netting, Fish Statistics, Wider Effect of
the Decline in the Gippsland lakes Recreational Fishery, Closure of
2km of the Silt Jetties Road, Have your say on netting or Gippsland's
River Mouths, Port Phillip and Corio Buyback a Success, Funding in
East Gippsland, Great News! Bemm River Launching Ramp Approved, Bemm
River Fishing platforms, Other East Gippsland Projects approved,
Johsonville Landing Jetty Upgrade, Nicholson Boat ramp Upgrade,
Transient Jetty Paynesville, Lake King Destination Jetty, Mallacoota
Main Wharf, Kingfish in the Gippsland Lakes, A Developing East Coast
Fishery Under Threat, Don Cunningham's Bemm River Fishing Report,
Amateur Fishers in a legal fight, Report on Shellfish Reefs,
Program for hatchery Bred Flathead Fingerlings, Mitchell River Silt
Jetty Closure still an Issue, Tracks into Lake Tyers, Gippsland Lakes
Coordinating Committee, Water inflow into the Gippsland Lakes, A new
radio star is born, Salinity Seagrass and Black Bream of the Gippsland
98: February 2016: Contents - Proposed Closure of
Angler Access to the Mitchell River, Carp in the Headlines, Salinity
effect Carp numbers in the Gippsland Lakes. Sea Grass in the
Gippsland Lakes, The Law and Recreational Anglers, Snapper Fishing Off
Portland Trawler Wharf, Syndicate Members Jailed for Illegal Abalone,
Dusky Flathead in Cunningham Arm of the Gippsland Lakes, Meeting
of Fish Diarists, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers report, Son Cunningham's
Bemm Report, Mansfield Trout Conference, A wonderful Story (Dugong),
lake Tyers and Parking, New dredge for Gippsland Lakes, Lake Toolondo
gets a Drink, Coordination Committee for the Gippsland Lakes
Announced, Summer Issue of Fishing Lines, Death of Allen Beveridge
14/1/1925 to 12/12/2015
Issue 97:
January 2016: Contents - Release of Estuary Perch in
Lake Tyers, Background, The Release, Commercial Fishing phase Out in
Port Phillip Bay, Coalition Supports the End of Commercial Netting in
the Bay, A big Week for VRFish and Recreational Anglers, VRFish
Releases an Economic Study of Recreational Fishing, Economic Value of
Boating on the Gippsland Lakes, Gippsland Fishing Forum for
recreational Anglers, Marine Fish Stocking, Major Trout Conference
held in Mansfield, Talk Wild Trout 2015, Lake Bolac Estuary Perch
under Threat, The Law and Recreational Fishing, Items in Brief- A
surprising catch, Over the Bag Limit Crabs Yield Big Fine, New Study
to Investigate Yellow Tail Kingfish, Bass News that effects Gippsland,
Whiting and Commercial Nets, 2014/15 Commercial Catch Figures, Rock
Beaching on the Mitchell River, Bush Tracks Into Lake Tyers, Bow
Fishing for Carp a Possibility, Cormorants Numbers on the Gippsland
Issue 96:
November 2015: Contents -
Editorial - Crisis in the Gippsland Lakes, Netting in Port Phillip
Bay to End, Netting in Gippsland lakes to Remain, Mulloway released in
Lake Tyers, Some Mulloway Statistics, Important Mulloway Research,
Estuary Perch successfully spawn, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers Report,
Letters, The Law abd Recreational Anglers, Wild Trout Conference in
November, Bemm River Report don Cunningham, Recreational Licence Fees
Advisory Group, New plastic fishing licences available from Nov1, East
Gippsland Anglers Forum, Petition presented by One Man Band, Dusky
Flathead regulations Remain, Development of the Victorian Fisheries
Authority, VRFish and the Geelong Star.
95: October 2015: Contents - Editorial Nicholson River
Dam, Gippsland Perch Success, The Bemm River Report from Don
Cunningham, Reduction in Black Bream limit, Dusky Flathead Fisheries
Notice, Wild Trout Conference Next Month, VRFish supports Game Fishing
in Victoria, The Bemm River Report - Don Cunningham, Lake Tyers and
the Gippsland lakes, Minister Honorable Lisa Neville comments on
Nicholson Dam, No Help Forthcoming, Coroner Calls for Life jackets,
Barramundi on Menu at Marlo, School Whiting being Filleted, Dry
Conditions pose Problems, A little bit of history, Around the Jetties
and Local Newspapers.
94: September 2015: Contents - Editorial State of Bemm River
ramp, More Northern Pacific Sea Stars found, Statewide Recreational
Fishing Roundtable Forum, Great Estuary Perch Search, that Nicholson
River dam,Protection of Spawning at the Mouth of Rivers, Proposed cap
for Commercial Fishers in Port Phillip Bay, Reunited after 20 Years,
Don Cunningham's Bemm River Report, Recreational Anglers and the Law,
Sand Crabs in the News Again, Letters Letters Letters, Calamari in
port Philip Bay, Bass at Blue Rock Dam, Mercury levels in Black Bream
and Dusky Flathead, Work Underway at Lake Tyers.
93: August 2015: Contents - Editorial (Why Stocking?),
Estuary perch for Lake Tyers?, The Meeting, Mulloway stocking?,
Mulloway Research Program, Now to catch a Mulloway, Bob Mc Neil's Lake
Tyers Report, A Sad Passing, Gippsland Lakes recreational fishers urge
the Victorian Government to buy back commercial licences, Anglers
invited to a wild trout conference, Don Cunningham's Bemm River
Report, Cost of Removing Nicholson Dam an Estimated $9 million. Items
in Brief- Yellow Eye Mullet in the Gippsland Lakes, Statewide
Recreational Round Table, Bass Stocking in Mitchell and Tambo Rivers,
Ports and Harbours Survey, Ports and Harbours Survey, Seals cause
havoc, Boating Safety and Facilities Program, Vision from the Past -
Salmon on the Coast, Lake Tyers Opens, Trout Cod Fishery Opens at
Beechworth, Sea Stars found in Gippsland Lakes
Issue 92:
July 2015: Contents - An Historical Item, Mulloway in
the Gippsland Lakes, Mulloway Research in NSW, VRFish and Corio Bay,
Building a Trout Habitat Rock by Rock, the Twin Rivers Fishing
Competition, Launch of a new Book "Maritime Incidents on the Gippsland
lakes and Adjacent Coast", The Law and the Recreational Angler,
Another large fine for poachers, Lakes Entrance Crab Poachers to Face
Court, Trout Cod Fishery is a Possibility, Record Stocking of Golden
Perch and Murray Cod in Victoria, A Snobs Creek Special (Bruno!), Don
Cunningham's Bemm River Report, A moments Relaxation, Letters:
Cormorants on the Gippsland Lakes, Statewide Angler Forums, Statewide
Recreational Roundtable, Willow Removal in Victoria, Opposition to
Geelong Star Fishing continues to grow, New dredge guaranteed for the
Gippsland Lakes, The value of Recreational Fishing to the Gippsland
Lakes, The Nicholson River Dam.
Issue 91:
June 2015: Contents - The Maquarie Perch,
Editorial: Mitta Mitta River and tributaries, The Trout Cod and
Maquarie Perch in the Mitta Mitta catchment, Commercial Catch in
Gippsland lakes for 2013/14, Rock Walling and Wooden Debris in Local
rivers, Cormorants and Local Rivers, VRFish Expresses concern at Large
Trawler Operations, VRFish seeks information from Jetty owners in
Paynesville area, Recreational Anglers and the Law, New Plastic
Fishing Licence and More, Don Cunninghams Bemm River Report, Letters:
The Nicholson River Dam, A Note from the Executive Director of Fishing
Travis Dowling, Meeting With Craig Ingram, Items of Interest,
Rocklands Reservoir Upgrade, Survey of Murray Cod in Murray and Ovens
River, An Angler Reports. Statistics for "Commercial Catch in
the Gippsland Lakes 2013/14".
Issue 90:
May 2015: Contents - Editorial - Bullock Island
Hatchery, Gippsland Lakes and Commercial Fishing, Target One Million
Plan. Target One Million Plan a Boon for Fishers and Families -
What will it mean for our lakes?, Are you Aware of these Projects?, A
time of change, Shellfish in Port Phillip Bay, What is Nature
Conservancy?, Trout Cod fishing becomes a Possibility in the North
East, Macquarie Perch, Bemm River report by Don Cunningham,
Statewide Roundtable Meetings, An Interesting Fish and More, (Bridled
Goby), Stocked Estuary Perch Fisheries Coming of Age, Stocking the Key
to Lake Eildon's Future, VRFish says, "State Budget is a Winner",
Recreational Angling and the Law - Breach of Prohibition Order,
Letters - VRFish and Private Jetties, Nicholson River Dam, Statewide
Recreational Fishing Roundtable Information again available, Survey by
Naglers of the Gippsland Lakes, Some Facts on Black Bream in the
Gippsland Lakes, Gippsland Angling Clubs Association fishing survey
for the Gippsland Lakes.
on "Target One Million" Appointment.
Issue 89:
April 2015: Contents - New Executive Director of
Fisheries appointed, Editorial- Fish stocks in the lakes, Sea Grass
and the Gippsland Lakes, Bastion Point Launching Ramp, Bemm River
Anglers offer Assistance, Bemm River Fishing Report from Don
Cunningham, Gippsland Reefs Update, Bob McNeill's Lake Tyers Report,
The Law and Recreational Anglers, The Future of the Nicholson River
(Bass and the Dam Wall), Statewide Recreational Fishing Roundtable,
Sea Eagles face threats, That Mystery Fish at Lake Tyers, Legal? But
is it right?, Minister on the mailing list, Estuary Perch in Lake
Tyers, Mulloway Research, Recreational Boating and the Gippsland
Lakes, Stockman Mine Update, And Finally a Commercial Bait Fisherman
Issue 88:
March 2015: Contents - A massive change to European
Carp and the Gippsland Lakes, Maasbanker and VRFish in discussions
(+VRFish Response), Commercial Netting in the Gippsland Lakes, Bemm
River Fishing Report, Recreational Round Table, Bream Tracking in the
Latrobe River, Reproductive Mysteries of the Dusky Flathead,
Towards an Understanding of Estuary Perch in the Gippsland Lakes,
Working Together, Items of Interest Effecting Recreational Anglers:
Bemm River Access, Large trawl Fishery off the Australian Coast, Large
Marlin caught off Lakes Entrance, Concern for the Future of the Tambo
River, King George Whiting catch trending upwards, but not in Lakes,
Tenders called for Lake Tyers Boat Ramp, Luderick Catch in the
Gippsland Lakes, A mystery fish in Lake Tyers, Recreational
Anglers and the Law, Netting the Maribyrnong, Letters, Estuary Perch
Catches, Access to Lake Tyers at the Glasshouse, A day to Remember -
KG Whiting in Tyers.
Issue 87:
February 2015: Contents - Editorial,
of Estuary Perch at Lake Tyers, Investigating the historical
abundance of Estuary Perch in Lake Tyers, The Estuary Perch,
Estuary Perch and hybridisation with Bass, Bob McNeill's Diary Report,
New Items for Anglers, A Major Artificial Reef, Water for Toolondo,
Bank Fishing Areas in Lake Tyers Under Threat, The Stocking of Prawns
in Lake Tyers, Have we learned anything?, Access to Launching
Facilities for Anglers, Fishing for Murray Cod, Wimmera Gets a Boost,
Empty Chair to Fill, Living Fossil Captured, New Fisheries
Appointment, The Law and Recreational Anglers, More information on
Estuary Perch in Lake Tyers, an Important Letter for Anglers from Dr
Joel Williams, Some thoughts on Estuary Perch and the Gippsland
Issue 86:
January 2015: Contents - Editorial, The Policy -
Labour Angling for One Million recreational Fishers, An Angler Review
of this policy, Quotes attributed to the New Premier, Daniel Andrews,
Meet the Minister, Protection of ASpawning Fish a Sad Joke, Don
Cunningham's Bemm River Report, A Diary Angler contributes to Fishing
Knowledge, A Special Morning on Lake Tyers, The Dilemma of Dusky
Flathead and the Gippsland Lakes, Bass in the Nicholson River, A
Comment from East Gippsland, New Jetty at Fisherman's Landing, Is the
Stocking of Estuary Perch in Lake Tyers a Forgotten project?, VRF
News, Surf Fishing and the Maasbanker.
Apologies to readers but the following
meeting has been cancelled.....
Readers of "Around the Jetties" pleas note this
previously advertised meeting has been cancelled....
Tuesday 9th December in the
Lakes Entrance Mechanics Institute between 7.00 8.30 with
Fisheries Victoria". CANCELLED
Issue 85:
December 2014: Contents - Editorial: Licence
Buy-Backs, Inaction on Netting Restrictions at the mouth of rivers.
Major Upgrade for Lake Tyers Launching Ramp, $65 Million beter bay
Plan for Port Philip and Corio bays, By-Back of Commercial
Licences, Gippsland Lakes Get $2 million Voluntary BuyBack, Are
Gippsland Lakes a Sustainable Fishery?, Ten years Ago, Wooden Fish
Structures on the Tambo, Illegal Opening of Lake Tyers, Mercury in
Gippsland Lakes Fish and Dolphins, Economic Study of thr Recreational
Fishing Contribution, Bemm River Report Highlights Ramp Problems, Bob
McNeill's Report for Lake Tyers. Letters: A comment on the
Maasbanker and Beach Netting, A personal Note.
84: October 2014: Contents - Editorial
- Issue of netting at River openings, A disaster for the Gippsland
Lakes, Collapse of Dusky Flathead Numbers in the Gippsland Lakes,
Black Bream in the Gippsland Lakes, Black Bream in the Market, An
Amazing project to save Port Phillip Bays Shellfish Reefs, The
Gurnaikunai People and Indigenous Fishing, Port Phillip Snapper Stocks
have a Bright Future, The Lake Tyers Opening, Big Boost in Barramundi
Aquaculture, VRFish September Update, The Bemm River Report Provided
by Don Cunningham, The Law and Recreational Anglers, Cormorants and
the Gippsland Lakes, Statewide Recreational Fishing Roundtable 13 th
June 2014, Letters Letters, and more....
83: September 2014: Contents - Editorial No Government Action
taken on protection from netting at river mouths, More on East
Gippsland Trout Streams, Ross Winstanley Provides another
view, Major Government Announcement 3rd Sept, Lake Tyers
opens amid controversy, VR-Fish Monthly Report, VR-Fish
has a new Address, The Law and Recreational Anglers, Letter to the
Editor (Dr Peter Wheeler), The Puzzle for the Ministerial Advisory
Committees Approach, Artificial Reefs in East Gippsland Inlets,
Coalition Invests Licence Fees to improve fishing or Does it?, Bemm
River Report, John and Jazz!
No Issue August 2014.
82: July 2014: Contents - Editorial State of trout
fishing, research on Dusky Flathead in Eastern Victorian waters, Nowa
Nowa Iron Ore Project, VR-Fish Monthly Report, Welcome to Senior
Program and Partnerships Manager, Fisheries Patrol Vessel, VR-Fish
20th Birthday, Bemm River Report, Artificial Reefs (Lake Tyers,
Bancroft Bay and Mallacoota) Odd Bits and More - Beginning
of the end, Congratulations tyo local fisherman (Wayne Dredge),
Growth in Barramundi Aquaculture, New Murray Cod limits proposed,
lakes Tyers opening controlled, Dam on the Nicholson River, Fishing
and your Health, Portland's new state-of-art Boat Ramp opened,
Black Bream in the Market, News from the South East Trawl Fishing
Association, mangrove Jack caught in Eden, Survey Finds 10 Million
Roughy off Eastern Tasmania, Johnsonville get Rowing Platform, Lake
Mokoan Golden-Perch Paradise, A Recreational Angler's Wishlist, talk
to your local parliamentary representative or candidate.
81: June 2014: Contents - Editorial Possible increases and
broadening of fishing licence base, Planning for the Future, Gippsland
Ministerial Advisory Committee in action, The Licence History, Bob
McNeil Lake Tyer's Report, Hobie Competition, Gippsland Trout Stocks
Questioned, Bemm River Report by Don Cunningham, Conditions at the
Bemm, Great News on Bemm River Access, Odd bits and more, unusual
catch and rare sighting in Gippsland Lakes, Minister comments on
stocking in Gippsland Lakes, Boating on Lake Tyers, Petition on
Netting in Cunnighame Arm, The Law and Recreational Anglers, Seven
Anglers face heavy fines, and unusal event, Fish Kill reported in Lake
Tyers, VRFish report (May), Is a flood event possible?, VRFish in
Canberra, New and Innovative Approach to Monitoring Recreational
80: May 2014: Contents - Editorial Delay on
Introduction of Licence Changes, Stocking of Estuary Perch in Lake
Tyers- a Progress report, Lake Tyers and Mulloway, Bemm River Fishing
Report by Don Cunningham, Ramp Problems at the Bemm Again, Twenty Five
Years Ago, Actions that Could have made a Difference to Recreational
Fishing, A View of the Black Bream Problem in the Gippsland Lakes from
the Past, A problem ignored -Identification of Dusky Flathead, Drawing
the Line, Statewide Recreational Fishing Roundtable Forum, ODD Bits
and More, An Opportunity Lost, Changes in our rivers, North Eastern
Trout Inquiry, Wish List for coming State Election.
79: April 2014: Contents - Editorial - Protecting
Spawning fish at river mouths, Increases in Angler Licence fees.
Iron Ore and Lake Tyers, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers Diary report,
Plenty of Fish in the Sea Again, Your Fishing Licence under
consideration (Government cost shifting), Statewide recreational
Anglers Round Table Meeting, Bemm River Report for April, Protection
of Spawning Fish at the Mouths of Rivers, VRFISH Monthly report,
The Law and Recreational Anglers, Some Observations -Macquarie
Perch releases, Dining Out - Hapuka, The Maasbanker and Surf
Fishing, North East Trout Populations, Learn More about our Estuaries,
Nicholson Angling Club, What fish is that?, Letter regarding
Bemm River, and Don't forget to read up on what your increased fishing
licences maybe paying for!
78: March 2014: Contents - Editorial - Estuary Perch
and Bass in the Gippsland Lakes, The Bemm River Report, Gippsland
Lakes Dusky Flathead Tracking Project Dec. 2006-June 2008, Dr Jeremy
Hindell Report from Fisheries Victoria, VRFish Report, The Law and
Recreational Anglers, Poaching on the Tambo, Illegal Equipment Used to
Target Rock Lobster, The Longest Flathead Competition, Some
Observations, Increase in Licence Fees, Bream in the Tambo, Twenty
Five Years Ago, From 25 Years Ago, Writing for Feathers and Fur
Magazine, That Unidentified Jellyfish (An Update), Letters Letters
Letters, More Tarwhine Information, Another Report on Lake Tyers
77: Febuary 2014: Contents - Editorial - "Review of
Victoria's Recreational Fishing Licence. Statewide Recreational
Fishing Roundtable Forum (Dec13th 2013), History - Introduction of a
Fishing Licence, Looking back at Lake Tyers in 2001, Tarwhine in Lake
Tyers, Finders Keepers - An Angler's Contribution, European Green
Crabs, A disturbing report (October 2009, European Green Crabs),
An informal Meeting, Odd Bits and More, A strange "Jellyfish" Visitor
to the Gippsland Lakes, King George Whiting and the Gippsland Lakes,
Now this is a Fish (Kangaroo Island Whiting), An Unusual Morning (Emus
swimming), Some thoughts on the Fishing at Lake Tyers (Bream Classes,
Otoliths), Another Factory ship close to Australian waters, VRFish
Summer Magazine Released, Artificial Reefs (at Nungurner, Metung and 2
at Lake Tyers), Letters (Flood Netting - progress report, Sea
Spurge increasing distribution).
76: January 2014: Contents - Editorial, Gippsland
Ministerial Advisory Committees in Action, Fish Assessment in the
Gippsland Lakes, Social Value of Fishing, Investigation of
the Economic Value of Boating on the Gippsland Lakes, The
Contribution of an Angler, Estuary Perch Stocking In Victoria,
Purchase of Estuarine Fish, Minister Walsh goes Snapper Fishing, The
Bemm River Issue, Recreation Fishing Initiative 2013-2018, Lake Tyers
Update, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers Report, Odd Bits and More, Large
Snapper Caught off Lakes Entrance, The Law and Recreational Anglers
(Abalone thief), A correction, Operation Tempus in Corio Bay,
Bemm River, Sea Bird Contact Study, Your VRFish Update, Still no
action on protection of spawning fish at river mouths, Letters.
75: December 2013: Contents - Word from the New
Executive Officer of VRFish, Estuary Perch in Lake Tyers,
Mulloway in Lake Tyers?, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers Diary Report August-
Additional Fisheries Officers Appointed, A Loss for Fisheries
Victoria, High Court Decision May Have Implications for Victorian
Anglers , Boating Plan Released ??????, Round Table Summary Still
Unavailable to Anglers, EPA Report on the Gippsland Lakes, Protection
of Spawning Fish at the Mouth of Rivers,A Most Unusual Catch,
Artificial Reefs, Waterways Strategy, Bass Stocking in
Gippsland, VRFish, News On Dusky Flathead, Note from Former Director
of Fisheries Management and Science, A Comment on the Maasbanker and
Beach Netting, A VRFish Report to Anglers New Emphasis Needed for
Recreational, Retirement of Dick Brumley Fishing,Norfolk Island Sketch
of the style of boat used to unload supplies for the convict
settlement in the 1800's. An L.G.Barr oil painting.
74: November 2013: Contents- Another view on the buy
back of Commercial Licences, VRFish appoints a new Executive
Officer, VRFIsh Action, Statewide Recreational Fishing Round Table,
Lake Tyers and Estuary Perch, Questions on notice to our Local Member,
Bemm River Launching Ramp Development, Odd Bits and More, A Great
Charter, Love our Lakes at a Price, Letters, The Value of Feathers,
Further comment on Estuary Perch, Circulation Advice.
73: October 2013: Contents- What will Lake Tyers offer
this Time?, Annual Funding for Fish Care, Cost recovery and Commercial
Fishing, Fisheries Staffing Decline Worrying, Feathers a big Business
in Fly Fishing, Gippsland Boating Coastal Action Plan a Public
Relations Disaster, Rock Banking in our Rivers, Letters; Estuary Perch
again, Round Table Forums Defended, Correction, Around the
Jetties On-Line, Cormorants on the Mitchell River.
September 2013: Contents - Fisheries Advisory Council,
Recreational Round Table, Study of the Effect of Tuna Catch at
Portland, 2013 Release of Bass in Nicholson River, Gippsland Lakes
Commercial Catch Statistics for 2011/12, Fishing Licence Increases
Under Discussion, Fish Stocking Record, The Law and Recreational
Anglers, Problems on a Launching Ramp, VRFish Marking Time, Commitment
Delays, Locations for Estuarine Artificial Reefs Announced
71: August 2013: Contents - Increased Fines for Boating
Infringements, An Independent Recreational Fishing Body, A Personal
View of Fishing Competitions, A view of the Black Bream Problem in the
Gippsland Lakes from the Past, Quotas on Netting in the Gippsland
Lakes, Bob McNeil's Lake Tyers Fishing Diary Report for
May-July, Fishing as a College Sport, A Note From
Fisheries Victoria, Fishing Definitions, The Victorian All Waters
Fishing Licence, A Delightful Story, Snag Survey, The Law and
Recreational Anglers, A Product Review - Frozen Sandworm, Estuary
Perch and Lake Bolac, Release of Trout, From the Latest Fish Fax
Newsletter - Twin Rivers Bream Classic, Letters, The recreational
Fishing Licence Contribution to the Fisheries Budget.
70:July 2013 Contents - Notice of Appointment of new
Director of Fisheries Victoria, Sustainable Black Bream in the
Gippsland Lakes, Another Flood Event and no protection for
Spawning Fish, VRFIsh CEO Resigns, Estuary Perch in Lake Tyers,
Anglers Forum, Lake Tyers breakout a Possibility and Reality,
Gippsland Lakes Black Bream Stock Assessment 2012 Report, Craig Ingram
on Landline, Growth rates of Dusky Flathead, The Law and reacreational
Anglers, Retirement of Dr Murray McDonald, Fisheries Research,
Letters, Those Prawns in Lake Tyers, Boating Fines Rise.
69: June 2013 Contents - NSW considers Review of
Fishing Regulations, Gippsland Lakes Ministerial Advisory Committee,
Actions that could have made a difference to Recreational Fishing,
Wooden Debris Does it make a Difference?, Sustainable Lakes Commercial
Fishery, The Law and Recreational Anglers, Stiff Penalties in
Warrnambool Abalone Case, A Great Catch, Back in Time, NSW South
Coast Estuaries Under Attack, SETFIA slams NSW Flathead
Decision, Australian Bass in the Nicholson River, Future Snapper
Bonanza in Port Phillip Bay, Movement of Black Bream in Flood Events,
Dusky Flathead are Tough, Artificial Reefs, Changes at the Top,
Letters, Tackle damage to Wild Life, A mixed Bag, Surf Fishing
and Tourism.
Lynton has decided to not continue publishing his newsletters due to
ill health and the fairly onerous task of gathering important news
material, and then to go and make critical comment on this news.
He has made a gigantic contribution to angling in this state, and
further afield, with his vast experience and critical eye for detail
by keeping abreast of current practices. He was not afraid to make his
opinion heard through these newsletters, and, most importantly, first
hand in the many meeting he has attended to directly bring his views,
face to face with the people in power. This courageous, and at
times provocative, approach has earned him the respect of many and
that he is someone who can not be bought off easily. We will
miss his contribution in so many ways.
To encourage other aspiring fishers who may like to follow in Lynton's
footsteps, all of Lynton's 104 newsletters will provided on this
website to allow other researchers and campaigners to access his
thoughts and ideas. hopefully it will allow some of Lynton's
unfinished goals to be taken up by others, and maybe Lynton's work
will help them avoid "reinventing the wheel" if Lynton has already
addressed the issues.
I personally would like to acknowledge Lynton's courageous and
untiring efforts to reform many of the informal bad practices of the
average angler (eg leaving rubbish at fishing sites) through to high
level government policy (eg Restricting netting across flooding rivers
in the Gippsland Lakes), as well as keeping us in touch with so many
of the positive things that have happened as well such the Flathead
Slot Size, and upgraded fishing jetties etc. He will be sorely
NB Editorial responsibility and
copyright remains with Lynton Barr. This material is
strictly not to be redistributed electronically or otherwise without
the author's permission. People are welcome however to redirect links
to this material.