are a group of local enthusiasts who enjoy singing together and have
been performing for many years now. What began as a bit of fun at a
party long ago has become a local legend.
The group has performed at many venues, ranging from charity events to
private functions. They have joined in at places like "East Gippsland
On Show" and more recently providing performances at the Wyanga
Winery. This last venue is no coincidence as the Choir is very
grateful for the use of the pleasant winery surroundings for
practice every
night from about 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If you enjoy singing, then
come along! Notable this year are the performances given to support
other local non-profit groups.
Tonight I heard about the death of Leonard Cohen. He was not my
favourite performer as he was the idol of the well do of my university
peers (c.1979) who enjoyed privileged upbringings and indulged
themselves in their own sophomoric sentimentality. However as a
member of our choir we have come to appreciate at least one of his
works, "Hallelujah", and in spite of all my attempts to simply list a
song with YouTube or Facebook, I offer it you now as a raw
un-pretentious, innocent offering, recorded 3 days before his death.
Hallelujah I hope you enjoy
it, as we did singing it, thanks Leonard!!! Thanks Surf, your backing
was brilliant!
If you would like to
join our email
list then send us a
Request to let us know.
Paynesville Music Festival: Busking
The boys were giving their all that day, but in the finals became
"runners up" to the the mighty Vanuatu Workers Alliance Chorus who
captured the day and went on to be very popular winners!!! Nice work
guys and welcome to the happy world of men's choirs. We hope to sing
with you soon...
row: Rein Jongkryg (Secretary),
Sheryl Bush (Palliative Care), Ian Hood (Treasurer),
Nick Nagy. Back row: Geoff Mahlook, Rob Ward, Chris Bury, Ken
Morrison, Zap Zanoni, Kevin Brew, Paul McKenzie,
Kevin Edwards. The cheque donation was worth $1000+! (Absent:
Norm Borg (President)), Guitarist Andrew (Surf) from Loud Music who
took the photograph!! ).

Above: A recent gig at Lakeside Nursing Home. October 2014
Below: Here we are in a fund raising mode for churches in Orbost, with
the two world wars as a costume theme.
The Choir at Orbost for the July
2013 annual churches Fund-Raiser. It had a "
world wars and in between" theme. So many of our favourites
were sung, along with a few special war tunes thrown in. A splendid
night and a credit all involved. Left to Right: Surf (+guitar), Rob,
Geoff, Nick, Paul, Ian, Rein, Ron, Zap, Kevin and Norm