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Wind from the East the fish bite least,
Wind from the West the fish bite best.

Now is this a harmless ditty with its popularity based more on its rhyme than strength of fishing advice? Or is it based on the local's hard earned  piscatorial endeavour?

Here is a map of the wind direction of one day I have captured that will help you interpret the  wind map in the Weather section and  decide for yourself whether it is indeed a "wind from the East" type of day.
Windmap for Lake Tyers Beach
Now here you can see the wind strengthening over the previous 12 hours and consolidating from the  easterly direction, at a strength that is unlikely to abate for a while.
So if you subscribe to the wind from the east rule meaning fishing will bad, this  map will help you make up your mind as to whether you should go out or not.
Here is the matching wind speed graph.
Wind Speed at Lake Tyers Beach
This was taken over the same time period as the wind direction map above, so you can correlate the two.  I would draw the conclusion the wind speed is picking up and the  easterly is very strong and not likely to stop for quite a while.

Just for interest sake I will also add the temperature and pressure, also potentially vital indicators of environmental factors that could influence piscatorial activity.

Air Pressure at Lake Tyers Beach

and as you can the glass is falling, though only by 8-9mb in this example, but who knows what the fish are sensitive to.  
The final temperature graph is related more to fishing conditions for the fishers than fish.
Temperature at Lake Tyers Beach
So probably still quite good if you had launched the boat when the readings were taken!!!

I hope the weather info adds pleasure to your fishing endeavours and helps others appreciate the wonderful world around us.