World of Boats on the Water
This page is devoted to the more off-beat modes of transport on the water.

Now this one really put a smile on my dial as I would loved to have
done something like this with my kids. It is really cool, like
home made and unique. Not bouyant enough for an adult (so a bit
of redesign needed) but what an experience for a young scientist or
future engineer!!! Well done Dad!!!
The line of the main sheet from the bottom of the back end of the boat, to the sail I had not seen before.
Who said Australians don't have sense of humour?? Snapped at the Twin Rivers Bream Competition July 2013

A classic Lake Tyers Cruiser, not many true clinkers to be seen on our lake,
but they do cut a stylish elegance at the water line.

the most of the space, but hey it works! But don't ignore the weather -
Lake Tyers is relatively shallow but can produce a difficult swell
quickly with a wind change and being caught off the bank, even a small
distance, paddling like this is quite dangerous.

A pontoon boat designed and built by a self confessed Pirate (Mick) on the shores of Lake Tyers.

Not the most expensive alternative, however it does work. Just don't get a puncture!

An amazing House Boat at Metung, the inspiration for this page.

and just to prove it also works, here it is under way!!! Can you
believe it? It was actually transported to Tasmania for a
festival, floated for display and returned. Not bad eh?

A plastic folding boat with 4hp Yamaha. It looks like a huge surfboard when folded down and on the roof racks.
This one, a
Portaboat, has explored waters right around Australia.

These pedal powered fishing kayaks from
may not look unusual on top, but underneath there are no propellers,
just a pair of leg powered cross-swishing flipper like paddles (Mirage Drives), based on the shape
and action of Penguin fins!!! Extremely efficient way to move on the water. Check out their site for details.

Now this is a
Hobie Adventure Island(YouTube)
that can be powered by sail and/or foot pedals and/or hand paddles in any
combination. I have Frank Morton to thank for a demo of this ingenious
boat. A very versatile craft with great stability and quite a
fast mover because of its design. Free, clean power from the wind is
fantastic, and the back up of the human power is a great safety
feature. Franks reckons, if becalmed, then just start pumping the
pedals.The sail can be wound back, out of the way, onto the mast (it
rotates in its socket on hard nylon ball bearings) just by pulling a
"yo-yo" style cord at the base to wind it in, neat huh?

This vessel was an inflatable and also a sailing boat as well. Neat eh?

A couple of young lads refining their rowing coordination in an inflatable Zodiac. Nice one Lads!!!