Santa 2013
The crowds gather in anticipation, many who were really imbibing the
xmas spirit, looking after the kids and listening for the car horn
calling to announcing Santa's arrival.
The picnic atmosphere with friends and admirers of Santa helped to
make the kids day a success. This is a community activity and
depends on quite a few people up front and many more behind the scenes
who help make this an exciting part of the annual festivities at Lake
Tyers Beach. Well done folks...

Thanks to the
Tyers Angling Club, Safeway
, Lake
Tyers Beach Shop,
and the
Toorloo CFA for their
help on this occasion (the Real Truck was attending a real fire!!),
and especially to
Santa and his helpers-
you know who you are!!!
A fantastic community effort, a treat to delight local and visitor
Bless ya, Santa!!