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Canoeing on Lake Tyers

We have four main Canoeing Trips to report back on:
  1. Around the Islands  (Moderate)
  2. Long Point to Princess Highway Bridge (Moderate)
  3. Number Two Boat ramp to Fishermans Landing (Beginners)
  4. Trident Arm to the Tavern (Expert)

 If you are aware of others that are an interesting experience then please email us of details and there maybe another page in it.

Fishing in canoes is becoming very popular.  It combines convenience, easy to launch and no boat licences etc etc combined with extreme manouverability and a great way to keep fit. (In any weather!!! :-)
Fishing from a canoe in the rain Lake Tyers Beach 
Canoeing is popular all over East Gippsland.  Along the waterways there are many scenic and interesting places to paddle.  If you are experienced then a burst on the waves at Eastern Beach maybe get the adrenaline rushing, otherwise for beginners and others needing a more relaxed approach should probably consider the headwaters of Lake Tyers with its winding arms sheltered from most winds.
Setting off at Lake Tyers BEach
Setting off at Lake Tyers Beach, launched at Number 1 Boat Ramp (Front of Tavern)

Canoeing at Lake Tyers Beach
Off for a quiet Sunday paddle at Lake Tyers Beach.

Double Kayak Mallacoota
Just a peaceful shot of a team paddling along at Mallacoota.  Nice Kayak folks!!!

Just a report at late August 2010, some work has been done to expose the Original Boat Ramp Nos 2.  It is not accessible by cars and trailers as it is off the end of the paved car park area between the toilets and the jetty.
However is does make a good area to launch canoes where a firm footing maybe appreciated before anyone gets in.  The two poles mark the sides of it.
Original Boat Ramp at nos 2 Lake Tyers Beach