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Arial view of Lake Tyers Beach, Estuary closed


The East Gippsland CMA invites members of the Lake Tyers Beach community and surrounding areas to a meeting to inform community about the protocols in place when considering an artificial opening of Lake Tyers. They provide guidance about how an artificial opening of the estuary will be handled in future.  The meeting will be held in the Lake Tyers Memorial Hall (Cnr Lake Tyers Beach Rd & Mill Point Rd) on Wednesday 20 May 2015 from 7pm-9pm.

The meeting will explain the factors being considered when an artificial opening of the estuary is being contemplated; the risks associated with an artificial opening; the processes that have been set up to collect data on which decisions are made and the roles and responsibilities of government agencies before, during and after any attempt to artificially open the entrance.

The protocols have been determined after research and consultations over a lengthy period of time.

East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
574 Main Street (PO Box 1012) Bairnsdale 3875
Ph: 51520600 www.egcma.com.au