Boosting Lake Tyers Prawn Stocks
Recently the University of New South Wales developed a plan to
boost the stocks of King Prawns in Lake Tyers by releasing 300,000 post
larval prawns (about 10 mm long at that stage, and look like miniature
prawns) into the lake. The project is being led by Chris Setio,
and working under
Professor Iain Suthers
and Dr James Smith. This project is the first for any waters in
Victoria and has only been attempted in a few times in other states.
On Wednesday the 23rd of January 2013 local fishing groups and other
interested people were invited to a symbolic release of the last bags
of prawns at the
Number 2 Boat Ramp
The lake has opened early June 2013 and while the lake went from very,
very low to breakout in 5 days of heavy rain, we were lucky there was
no great storm associated with it. However as can been seen
below the initial heavy outflowing currents did do some damage to
the weedbeds the prawns are known to associate with. Time will tell
whether this has a significant effect. It does show though, that
the weed is a significant niche in the lake.

Below is what the weed beds looked like in early January 2014, very healthy. (near Camerons#1)
Latest comment from Dr James Smith: "In April (2013) we found some large adults that were at least 12-18 months old. They
were massive, and a sign that the lake is good prawn habitat. We also found some
young ones - probably not the ones we stocked, but we're not sure. The next 6
months should reveal more as Chris does further sampling and we run tests on the
prawns we catch. So stay tuned!"
28th May 2103

Chris Setio, Dr James Smith and Tim Bull MLA releasing the very last bag of prawns. |

Prof Iain Suthers explaining the project to the crowd. Bill
Downey, Uncle Bill and Zac Tregonning from the Lake Tyers Aboriginal
Trust listening on. |

Anthony Hurst, executive director of Fisheries Victoria explaining their role in the project. |

The crowd watching on. |

The workers taking it all in :-) |

Fisheries keeping a watchful eye on our precious lake. |
Like to know more about the Prawns try these websites:
Australian Museum ,
Queensland Fisheries ,
Sydney Fishmarket,
Queensland Museum, just mention a few or my simplified
Prawn Life Cycle page.
Amateur fishing is a great economic benefit to the Lakes area, as money spent
by these people percolates from the bottom up and so many businesses
will benefit. Good Fishing = Good Tourism.
Read the Age Article.