23rd December 2012:
The level of the lake has been keep up by recent
rains, but is dropping quickly at the moment to the
"very low" level without these occasional inputs of
water. The bar is too high for tides to wash in, so
the lake till will be losing water through
evaporation, and seepage through the bar. The
extensive sand shallows in the bottom section of the
main lake are only 400-500mm and only just navigable
with smaller boats. However on the plus side the
quality of water is good without much algae and
water temperature rising.
15th November 2012: The
sandbar is pretty well complete at the moment and
the lake is closed. There is more water than usual
after this last opening and launching boats at the
ramps (other than #1 which needs a lot of water to
be functional), is fairly easy going. The lake
water may seep out through the bar until it is at
the mean tide level (where on average water seeping
out equals water seeping in over a tidal period) and
lower a bit during this time if no further rains
20th September 2012:
There has been a rapid build up of green algae (not
the toxic blue green algae) out on the shallow water
of the lower lake where the water is probably being
heated quickly and promoting the fast algal growth,
otherwise known as a bloom. Based on previous years
observations this stringy form of algae will be
clumped up the wind and form big blobs of it, and
then movingit around on the lake. It may stink a
bit then it gets washed up on the shore, but
otherwise it contributes a major constructive link
to the food chain, providing a haven for the small
organisms and the fish fry that feed on them.
5th September 2012:
The lake is still flushing to some extent with the
tides and has not changed much in the last two
months. There is quite a bit of debris, such as
branches, that have come in on the tide having been
washed off the beach further south of the entrance
littered around the channel. This time of the year
is when the Prawn larvae come down in the warm
eastern currents and settle in the lake, so it is
becoming increasingly likely that catching Prawns in
the lake will continue for another few years.
15th July 2012:
Lake showing no signs of closing over permanently at
this stage, so levels are at lowest point, but I
thought I would add this photo just for fun to
contrast its very low point right now, with an
earlier photo of what happens at Number 2 Jetty when
the level gets high!!! :-) How to get back onto dry
land to fetch the trailer for the boat and not get
wet!!! P.S. Jan 2013: This should no longer occur
as the two floating jetties have self leveling ramps
9 June 2012:
The lake has emptied to its usual lowest point over
the last few days and the entrance is tidal.
5/6th June 2012:
First of all apologies as we have had to electricity
for 26hours to update the site and deliver any
content. I know we have a dedicated band of
followers and the site hits peak visits around this
time, that is when the lake is about to open. The
lake has dropped slightly but doen not seem to have
cut a big quick channel due to the high tides and
extreme onshore gale winds pushing the tide up and
keeping it up. Current height at 11am this morning
(and from my lounge room window) has not changed all
day is shown with the photo below. Check out Openings
as well for more photos. Tuesday lunchtime....
So a bit more of the path to the surf has been
exposed but no great channel and a quick drop, this
may or may not change with low tides tonight. And
6th June 2012 Wednesday lunchtime it looks like
A bit messy but
it will clean up easy enough. Most of it has been
blown there by the SSE winds from the storm.
14th May 2012:
The lake has peaked at the moment and lowered by
100mm to 150mm and reduced the likelyhood of a
natural opening or the need to be opened
artificially.The path from the Tavern car park to
the beach is just covered and un-usable.
16 March 2012:
The following photo says it all about the depth.
Check the photo at the end of this www page for the
depth approximately 11 months ago to see what it was
like about 5 weeks ago. We have had a lot of
11 March 2012: The
flows into the lake have made a big difference. The
photograph below will give anyone who has walked
from the Tavern car park to the beach along the
little pathway to the beach how high the lake is.
Apparently these people caught a good haul of
Flathead from this point.
6rd March
2012: Well rains from the "big
wet" for SE Australia are helping fill the
lake here. Continual rain or showers with
overcast skies has kept the ground damp and
the runoff high. The lake has risen in the
order of 300mm and about steady. The lake
is equal to the the middle rung of the
wooden jetty. Boggy Creek, the main
tributary for the lake is running high and
steady, and will do so for a number of days
to come. The froth would indicate some
significant falls or either rapids further
back up stream. |
Leakage through the sandbar will probably
see this dissipate somewhat before Easter,
but will no doubt have some effect on the
fishing regardless. News so far is
encouraging with Bream and Flathead still
being caught. |
30th December 2011:
The lake has closed over and has a hefty sandbar in
place. Very high tides, pushed by a strong
southerly, might just run some sea water into the
lake, but for all intensive purposes it is closed.
The sand will continue to be a porous barrier and
the lake will stabilise at mean tide levels over the
next few months until it clocgs with detritus from
the lake and begins to hold water and fill again.
The fishers don't mind as the fishing is quite good
by now, some would say very good. Nor do the
families of swimmers, as it has created a little
meander into the sandbar filled with lovely clean
29th October 2011:
The lake is only just open and exchange of water
with the sea really only occuring at high tide. In
the next couple of weeks it will probably close over
unless there is a surge of rain to cut it out again.
The water level is a good height, though much lower
than flood levels, but higer than the average tide
level which what is will settle to when the sand bar
closes over. Until then make the most of it.
15th August 2011: Lake
is still open to the sea and the water moving through the mouth is
showing signs of clearing. The channel is still
allowing a lot of tidal movement and is showing no
signs of closing over at present.
11th August 2011: The
lake levels rose again overnight with
significant rainfall in the Gippsland region,
resulting in the lake opening to the ocean. The lake
has dropped to below normal levels now and it's
quite any easy walk around to the main beach from
the Tavern. The breach began with a 30 m channel
early in the morning and widened to 100 m+ by 4pm
when this photo was taken. Many of the locals were
down to witness the lake water pouring out to sea. A
number of fishermen where taking the oppotunity to
try their luck in the channel. As there was no rush
to join in, we assume that little was caught by the
early opportunists. However, one local said there
will be good fishing at the mouth when the system
settles down. Get those rods out folks as the
weekend forecast is looking good. (Report by Mr W
26 July 2011: There
has been a little more rain, but incoming water is
mainly from the down flow of the recent rain in the
catchment area above Scrubby Creek, slowly pushing
the lake up. Here is a photo for David showing the
view from the front of the Tavern at dusk. As he
will be able to see, plenty of windsurfing area here
now, but for how long?
July 2011: The floating jetty at
Number 2 Ramp is under stress!!
22 July 2011: Lake
is filling quickly, but still away off opening.
However you can see the floating jetty is about
level and fixed jetty is now under water, so it has
risen this much in exactly 48 hours!!! Checking the
level tonight it has not risen much more after
another 12 hours, so may have stabilised.
Below is how high it was last time it went. We have
a little way yet to go. 29th November 2009
20 July 2011: Very
falls over many days, with very little let up. The
level is getting close to the break through point,
though a little way off yet as far as I can see.
The rubbish bins in Tavern car park are not
floating yet, nor is the fish identification chart
under water yet. Could be a little way off yet. It
would be nice ot have this level over a summer. We
live in hope.
19 June 2011: Considerable
has fallen in the catchment area and the lake has
risen significantly. I made it to be 36mm here at
the LTB, maybe considerably more in the headwaters.
Anyway the lake is starting to hit prime depth at
the moment, however a bit cold for many fish. (note
the bottom rung under the jetty is well and truly
15th April 2011:
Some quite heavy falls have maintained the level of
the lake at about what is shown below, about 100mm
(6") below the lower rail on the jetty. We could
have hoped for a slight lifting of the level with
the amount of rain we have had in East Gippsland,
but maybe it just hasn't fallen in the lake's
catchment area.
27 February 2011: Occasional falls in the headwaters
of 20 to 30mm but not enough to top the lake up. It
has been steadily declining since mid December 2010,
probably a drop or 15-20mm.
21 January 2011:
A bit of scattered rain, in 5 to 10mm lots. The lake
has fallen about 80mm over the last month or so.
Probably due to evaporation off the lake and
leakage across the bar.